Penyuluhan Tentang Penyakit Cacingan Pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar Di SD Negeri 101737 Kecamatan Sunggal


  • Hartika Samgryce Siagian Universitas Imelda Medan Author
  • Sri Rezeki Samosir Universitas Imelda Medan Author


Worms, Children


Around 60 percent of Indonesians experience worm infections. The largest age group that experiences worm infections is aged 5-14 years. The prevalence rate is 60 percent, 21 percent of which attack elementary school age children and the average number of worms per person is six. This data was obtained through surveys and research conducted in several provinces in 2006. One of the causes of the spread of worms is poor individual hygiene. And it can spread between school students who often touch their hands while playing. Until now, worms are still a public health problem in Indonesia, especially rural areas. Prevention of recurrent infections is very important by practicing clean and healthy living habits such as avoiding contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feces, washing hands with soap and air before handling food, protecting food from soil and washing or heating food that falls on the floor. Several researchers have shown that school age is a group that is often affected by worm infections because they are often in contact with soil (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, 2004).Report from SD Negeri 101737 Sunggal school that one of the PHBS indicators of worm disease is because most children do not get used to washing their hands cleanly because the knowledge, awareness of mothers and parents' concern for their children is still lacking to teach their children to live a healthy life such as washing hands with water and soap. Therefore, the problem formulation for this community service is to tell what worm disease is and how to prevent it. After completing this outreach, it is hoped that parents and children of SD Negeri No. 101737 will be able to understand about worms and the factors that influence worms. Controlling worms can reduce the prevalence and intensity of worms so that it can support improving the quality of human resources, in order to create healthy humans. The worm eradication program produces major improvements for both individual and community health, namely by being free from worms, productivity increases, by living a clean and healthy lifestyle, we are free from worms, worms disappear and performance increases.


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