Pelatihan Dasar Komputer untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar di SDN 104260 Desa Melati 2 Perbaungan
Basic Computer TrainingAbstract
Basic Computer Training for Elementary School Students aims to improve information technology skills among children, so that they are better prepared to face the digital era. This program was implemented at SDN 104260 Melati II, Perbaungan District, with 30 class IV and V students participating. The training included an introduction to hardware and software, use of basic applications such as word processing and spreadsheets, as well as an understanding of the internet and cyber security. The method used is a combination of theory and practice, with an interactive approach so that students understand the material more easily. Evaluation results show significant improvements in students' computer understanding and skills. Apart from that, this activity also provides motivation for students to be more active in learning technology, as well as fostering their interest in continuing to study in the computer field. Through this program, it is hoped that students will not only have basic computer knowledge, but also be able to use technology effectively in daily activities and learning. It is hoped that this training can be the first step in creating a generation that is technologically literate and ready to face future challenges.
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