Penyuluhan Tentang Kandungan Senyawa Dari Daun Tumbuhan Mundu Di Desa Tanjung Anom Kecamatan Pancur Batu
Mundu Leaves, Antibacterial, Compound ContentAbstract
The content of active compounds in plants can be analyzed using the phytochemical screening test method. One of the plants, Mundu, is called Garcinia dulcis, which is synonymous with Garcinia longifolia and Xanthocymus javanensis. Mundu's pharmacological effects include anti-inflammatory and antipyretic. The chemical contents contained in mundu include: flavonoid compounds, saponins and tannins. This activity aims to provide education to the Tanjung Anom village community about the secondary metabolite content of mundu plants and their application to plants. The methods used in this counseling include conveying theory using lecture and education methods as well as their application. In this counseling, pre-test and post-test questions were also given to measure participants' abilities before and after the training. This education on the contents and phytochemical tests provided new insights for the community to carry out simple research with available materials. Conclusion: The education activity on the content of secondary metabolites from mundu leaf plants went well and satisfied the participants. The antibacterial properties of mundu leaves were successfully obtained during the implementation of PKM activities. It is hoped that this activity can increase public knowledge about the benefits of mundu leaves, as well as encourage awareness about protecting the mundu leaf population itself. It is hoped that this will facilitate public access to obtain mundu leaves, and more and more people will be interested in cultivating mundu leaves
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